Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Woodsy Allen

I went home to my parent's house on Saturday to help my mom make her traditional Christmas Chex-Mix (!!!) (also, I have eaten all most all of it already), and I made Jonathan take pictures of me in the woods!
Sweater- Need Supply Co.
Dress- Need Supply Co
Velvet Leggings- American Apparel
Desert Boots-Target
Suede Hair Bow- American Apparel
I really love this sweater! I look like a cute goat, but I think I'm okay with that. I also really love these leggings, even though I'm generally opposed to leggings. These are such a gross/beautiful color though.
Dekota hates them, but they're so ugly I wish they were my furniture.
When I eventually get a real camera I will be updating more often (Mom shoutout for letting me use her camera for this!).
Christmas decorations coming soon! 

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